
Become a Certified Home Energy Survey Professional

In order to become a certified home energy professional, you must have the necessary training and certifications first. The HET Institute offers a full range of energy auditor training courses that, upon completion, provide you with the HESP and HERS certification that you require. Very soon we will also be offering a course resulting in RFI certification.

Home Energy Survey Professional (HESP) Certification Course

The home energy survey professional or HESP certification course is a 2-day program, which prepares you for the RESNET HESP certification exam. The curriculum includes:

  • Minimum Home Energy Survey inspected features and report requirements
  • Basics of heat transfer concepts, Building performance testing and Air distribution leakage
  • Calculating gross and net areas
  • Definitions, Energy terminology and Energy Units
  • Basic Combustion Appliance concerns
  • Basics of envelope leakage, thermal bypass and thermal bridging
  • Determining envelope insulation, quality and recommended levels by climate zone
  • Determining HVAC, appliance and window/door efficiencies
  • Determining shading and building orientation characteristics
  • Determining thermal boundaries
  • The House as a System - Basics of measure interaction, expected life and bundling for optimal performance

The course materials include the course study guide, a copy of Residential Energy by Krigger and Dorsi and practice exam questions. Tuition for this course is regularly $499 however discounts may be offered for early registration and to members of various professional associations. Call 1-800-518-1877 for applicable discount codes. » See current course schedule to register.

RESNET Certification for Building Pressurization Testing

The certification for building pressurization testing course is a 12-hour program. It qualifies a certified home energy survey professional or HESP to conduct diagnostic testing in order to determine the effective leakage area and air exchange rate of a building through the use of a blower door. It also provides qualification in calculating duct leakage by using a duct blaster. Students are required to take a proficiency exam at the end of the course. The program covers all the pertinent envelope testing requirements contained in Chapter 3 and Appendix A of the RESNET National Energy Rating Technical Standards and ASHRAE Standard 119 Section 5.1 and the application of Standard 152 for testing of ducted distribution systems. The training includes hands-on experience. Topics include:

  • A review of air leakage basics and common air leakage sites
  • Blower Door System Components
  • Installation for Depressurization
  • Setting Up the Building for Testing
  • Conducting a Depressurization Test
  • Basic Test Results
  • Pressurization Testing
  • Finding Air Leaks
  • Testing for Duct Leakage and Pressure
  • Combustion and Safety Features
  • Calibration and Maintenance
  • Using Flow Rings
  • Duct leakage testing

After registering for the course, participants must download and complete the first 4 hours of our curriculum prior to attending the 8-hour classroom component. The course exam will be administered on-site at the end of the training day.

The course materials include the course study guide and practice exam questions. Completion of the HESP Certification Training is a prerequisite for enrolment. Tuition is regularly $300 however a discount is offered to members of various professional associations if taken in conjunction with the HESP Certification course above. Call 1-800-518-1877 for details. » See current course schedule to register.

(Discounts are available if taken in conjunction with the HESP Certification course above.) » See current course schedule to register.

RESNET Certification for Infrared Inspections of Buildings

The certification for infrared inspections of buildings is a 24-hour course, which is divided up over a period of 3 days. This course qualifies a certified home energy survey professional to conduct diagnostic testing of the building envelope by using an infrared camera. The course covers all the elements of the RESNET Standard for Thermographic Inspections of Buildings and prepares students for the RESNET IR Certification Exam. Topics included are:

  • Thermographic Imaging Requirements/System Performance
  • General Inspection and Thermography Requirements
  • Procedures for Infrared Insulation Inspections
  • Insulation Grading Standards
  • Air Leakage Inspections
  • Thermographic Interpretation
  • Consumer Report Requirements
  • Safety concerns

After registering for the course, participants must download and complete the first 6 hours of our curriculum and pass a short quiz prior to the first day of classroom activity. Students should bring their IR cameras to the classroom.

The course materials include the course study guide, a copy of Introduction to Thermographic Principles and practice exam questions. HESP Certification is a prerequisite for enrolment. Tuition is regularly $799. Discounts may be available to members of various professional organizations. Call 1-800-518-1877 for details. » See current course schedule to register.

RESNET Certification for Combustion Appliance Zone Testing (CAZ)

The CAZ course is a 12 hour program, which every certified HERS Rater must take in order to qualify as a Comprehensive Home Energy Analyst or CHEA. It is also recommended for home energy survey professionals who conduct diagnostic testing as a part of their service and for contractors who do retrofit work. The course is based on the BPI Analyst Standards for Combustion Zone Testing and topics include:

  • Pre and Post Safety Inspection of all Combustion Appliances
    • Combustion Spillage
    • Carbon Monoxide Detection
    • CAZ Depressurization
  • Gas Leak Detection
  • Combustion Gas Analysis
  • Heat Rise Measurements for Forced-Air Furnaces

After registering for the course, participants must download and complete the first 4 hours of our curriculum prior to attending the 8-hour classroom component. The course materials include the course study guide, a copy of the BPI Analyst CAZ Standards and a copy of the Mechanical Systems Field Guide by Krigger and Dorsey. HESP Certification is a prerequisite for enrolment. Tuition is regularly $249. » See current course schedule to register.

RESNET Certification in Energy Retrofit Work Scope Requirements

The certification in energy retrofit work scope requirements course a 6-hour program that can be purchased, downloaded and completed a home-study course. It can also be taken in the classroom when offered in conjunction with the Combustion Appliance Zone Testing Certification Course. A Certified Home Energy Survey Professional with Certifications in Building Pressurization Testing and CAZ Testing will need this additional certification to meet the training requirements for a BPI Building Analyst. Topics include:

  • Airflow and Mechanical Ventilation Requirements
  • Insulation Installation Requirements
  • Air Sealing Requirements
  • Using Insulation for Air Sealing
  • Duct Sealing Requirements
  • Diagnostic Verification

The course fee is regularly $169.
Click here to register and download or » see current course schedule to register for a classroom offering.

Certified HERS Rater Training Course

The certified HERS rater training course is designed to prepare students to become RESNET certified Home Energy Rating System (HERS) Raters and results in a HERS certification. It's a 5-day training course which includes a review of basic energy concepts, field experience with blower door testing and duct leakage testing, training on the latest version of RemRate rating software and a field rating on a home. As there are only 18 places available per class, acceptance is based upon the order in which deposits are received. Topics covered in the course include:

  • The House as a System
  • Energy and Moisture Transfer
  • Thermal Envelope
  • Common Air Leakage and Solutions
  • Ventilation and IAQ
  • HVAC, Combustion Basics
  • Basic Energy Load Calculations
  • Blower Door and Duct Blaster Testing
  • Advances Insulation Techniques
  • Conducting HERS Ratings
  • Using RemRate Rating Software
  • Energy Mortgages

Course materials include the course study guide, a copy of Residential Energy by Krigger and Dorsi plus practice exam questions. The RESNET National Rater Exam, included in the course tuition and administered on the afternoon of the 5th day, covers all the material presented in the class along with a knowledge of basic building science.

Tuition is $1535 and includes supervision of your first 5 ratings as required for accreditation.
» See current course schedule to register.

For More Information Call 1-800-518-1877