
Weatherization Installer Training - Testimonial for Green Training USA - Riverside CA

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Hi, my name is Kyle Brisaun (sp). I'm an architect here in Baltimore, Maryland. I've been practicing for about 20 years and I came to Green Training Institute of USA so I could learn a lot about energy management and the weatherization program.

And wow! What a difference that training makes in the detailing and the understanding of how building components get put together. And one of the things that I'm really excited about is to be able to take these practical examples and apply them to my practice and for detailing it to work with homeowners who have no idea of what went wrong.

And so we get a lot of the information from Scott. He's one of our best teachers. He gave us a lot of examples from his life experience of things that he was able to correct of the problems that we had no idea that that was the source between the water and air infiltration.

So I am excited about the energy conservation and the Green Training for USA for my next level of training, which is building analysis. Enjoy the program and I hope you get as much out of it as I did. Thank you.

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